How Making Disciples Can Be an Ongoing Lifestyle

How Making Disciples Can Be an Ongoing Lifestyle

How Making Disciples Can Be an Ongoing Lifestyle. Making disciples goes beyond being a mere task or a checklist item on a spiritual agenda. It represents a deep, all-encompassing commitment that reflects the essence of Jesus’ teachings and His Great Commission. But how can making disciples become a continual lifestyle rather than an occasional activity? This article delves into practical steps, biblical foundations, and heart transformations necessary to integrate disciple-making into every aspect of daily life.

The Biblical Foundation of Disciple-Making

Jesus gives a clear instruction to create disciples in Matthew 28:19–20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all peoples, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and baptizing The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit grant them. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This directive is intended not just for the early apostles but for every believer throughout history. Disciple-making is not an optional aspect of Christian life but the core mission of the church.

Understanding Disciple-Making

To make disciple-making an ongoing lifestyle, it’s crucial to understand what it entails. A disciple is a learner, follower, and imitator of Jesus. Making disciples involves:

  1. Evangelism: is the act of telling others about Jesus Christ and his good news.
  2. Teaching: Helping others understand and apply the teachings of Jesus.
  3. Mentoring: Walking alongside others in their spiritual journey.
  4. Modeling: Demonstrating Christ-like behavior in everyday life.

Practical Steps to Make Disciple-Making a Lifestyle

1. Cultivate a Heart for People

Disciple-making starts with a heart that genuinely cares for others. Jesus exemplified this through His compassion for the lost and hurting. Cultivating a heart for people involves:

  • Prayer: Regularly pray for God to give you love for others and to open doors for discipleship opportunities.
  • Empathy: Actively listening to and understanding the struggles and needs of those around you.
  • Service: Finding practical ways to serve and meet the needs of others.

2. Integrate Disciple-Making into Daily Life

Disciple-making doesn’t have to be confined to church activities. It can and should be integrated into your daily life:

  • At Work: Look for opportunities to share your faith and demonstrate integrity and excellence.
  • At Home: Lead your family in prayer, Bible study, and discussions about faith.
  • In Social Circles: Be intentional about building relationships where spiritual conversations can naturally arise.

3. Use Your Gifts and Passions

God has uniquely gifted each person with talents and passions that can be used in disciple-making. Whether it’s teaching, hospitality, music, or another area, use your gifts to:

  • Create Opportunities: Organize events, small groups, or activities that align with your gifts and draw others in.
  • Build Relationships: Connect with others who share similar interests and guide those relationships towards spiritual discussions.
  • Serve the Community: Use your gifts to meet needs within your community, opening doors for discipleship.

4. Be Consistent and Persistent

Making disciples is a continuous activity rather than a one-time occurrence. Consistency and persistence are key:

  • Regular Meetings: Establish regular times to meet with those you are discipling for Bible study, prayer, and accountability.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Commit to walking with people through the ups and downs of their spiritual journey.
  • Perseverance: Be patient and persistent, understanding that spiritual growth takes time and effort.

Transforming the Heart

Making disciple-making a lifestyle also requires a transformation of the heart. This transformation involves:

1. Deepening Your Relationship with God

A vibrant, personal relationship with God is foundational. This includes:

  • Daily Devotions: Spending time in prayer and Bible reading to grow in your understanding of God and His will.
  • Obedience: Living out the teachings of Jesus in your daily life.
  • Worship: Regularly worshiping God, both personally and corporately.

2. Embracing a Missional Mindset

A missional mindset sees every aspect of life as an opportunity for disciple-making. This includes:

  • Kingdom Perspective: Viewing your life through the lens of God’s kingdom and His mission.
  • Intentional Living: Making deliberate choices that prioritize disciple-making.
  • Cultural Awareness: Understanding and engaging with the culture around you to effectively share the gospel.

Overcoming Challenges in Disciple-Making

Disciple-making as a lifestyle is not without its challenges. Common obstacles include:

  • Busyness: The demands of modern life can make it difficult to prioritize disciple-making. Overcome this by setting clear priorities and boundaries.
  • Fear and Insecurity: Fear of rejection or feeling inadequate can hinder disciple-making. Overcome this by relying on the Holy Spirit and trusting in God’s power.
  • Lack of Training: Feeling unprepared can be a barrier. Overcome this by seeking training and resources from your church or Christian organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How Making Disciples Can Be an Ongoing Lifestyle is a journey that requires commitment, intentionality, and a heart aligned with God’s mission. By integrating disciple-making into every aspect of your life, using your unique gifts, and overcoming challenges, you can fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission in a way that is both impactful and sustainable. Embrace the call to make disciples, and watch as God transforms lives through your faithful obedience.

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