In-House or Outsource: Know the Right App Development Path

Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Approach: In-House or Outsource

So, you are excited to turn your dream business app into a reality, right? 

Well, that’s why you’ve stumbled upon this post, looking to follow the right path to mobile app development!

But one scary fact that haunts almost all entrepreneurs and businesses is choosing the right app development approach!

Let’s face it!

Choosing between an in-house, outsourced, or DIY approach is not a simple task! 

Businesses unknowingly often run into choosing an inappropriate path and ultimately make potential mistakes. 

If you don’t want to make it happen, then understanding the ins and outs of each approach is quintessential!

Without further ado, it’s time to dive into this comprehensive app development guide! 

Understanding In-House App Development 

In layman’s language, in-house app development refers to the process in which businesses use their company’s internal resources to build an app. Under this approach, they use their tech stack or employees to craft their apps from ideation to deployment. Furthermore, it fosters unified communication between employees which helps to add value to the project. Unlike other approaches, businesses have complete control over their ongoing project, which eliminates the room for potential errors.  

Just like hiring permanent employees, an in-house approach ensures the team has a common goal and understanding of the company’s objectives. 

To understand it better, let’s reap the benefits it has to offer! 

Advantages of In-House App Development

Here is the list of the advantages of in-house app development. 

  • Quick & Hassle-free Communication 

Remember that working at the same workplace will ultimately foster quick, error-free, and simple communication between employees. When they are working on the same project, they can easily share their concerns and suggestions to make the app development process a breeze. Since they are equipped with experience under the hood, they can get the job done with ease. 

  • Unmatched Talent 

With qualified and experienced talent, businesses can rest assured their app development could benefit them. The best part is that you can test and hand-pick the best of like-minded individuals to craft a solid and scalable app. Since they have the required knowledge, they can develop any app of their choice, no matter what. 

  • Complete Control 

When you have a dedicated in-house team of developers, you’ll have complete project ownership and can view changes whenever you want. With such control, you can monitor progress, instant modifications, and make real-time decisions that align with your evolving business landscape. 

Cons of In-House App Development 

Since everything in this universe has pros & cons, let’s set our sights on the cons of in-house development. 

  • Time-Consuming 

Since in-house app development requires professionals, you need to spare a lot of time in recruiting the right talent. Furthermore, you have to provide them with the necessary infrastructure and tools to create an app. 

  • Limit to Advancement 

If you choose an in-house team, they will constantly be working on the same technology to get the job done. Since their main job role is to build an app, they will not have to explore or test new in the market. 

  • Increased Expenses

Building an app via an in-house approach could be an expensive affair. Because the company has to manage the entire team, they need to spend on office furniture, internet, technology, and ongoing training to get the job done. It will ultimately increase the upfront expense, thereby making the approach quite expensive. 

When is the “Ideal” Time to Use In-House App Development Approach?

If you want to adopt the approach, then ensure you have a dedicated team to build a superior digital product. Ensure you interview, hire, and train them to build a solid app that resonates with your company’s objectives. 

Outsourcing Mobile App Development 

Outsourcing app development refers to the approach when you hire a team of app developers outside your organization to build apps. In this pathway, you work with teams across the globe and ask them to build a solid mobile app that aligns with your business needs. 

Did you know?

The Application Outsourcing market worldwide is expected to grow up to US$129.90bn by the next 4-5 years. 

The highlight of this approach is that it allows you to harness the right resources while saving significant time and expenses. 

Pros of Outsourcing Mobile App Development 

  • Reasonably Priced 

One of the benefits of outsourcing is that it is considerably cost-effective as compared to in-house app development. You don’t have to interview and hire a specialized team of developers and then spend money on their training. When you outsource your work to professionals, you have an assurance that work will be done with utmost professionalism. 

  • No Technology Barriers

Certain projects require a diverse set of skills which could be challenging to find individuals who possess proficiency in all of them. However, you can collaborate with a few IT companies that specialize in the various technologies required for developing the solution.

  • Focus on Core Competencies

By outsourcing app development, companies can focus on core competencies and improve business performance.

Cons of Outsource App Development 

Just like we discussed the cons of in-house app development, it’s time to jot down the disadvantages of outsourcing app development. 

  • Lack of Communication 

When you outsource, you are working with a distant partner which makes it challenging to have proper communication with the team. Though online collaborative platforms like Google Meet, Zoom, and WhatsApp are there, different time zones can make communication difficult. 

  • Security Concern 

When you outsource your work to an agency, you will always have a security concern. There’s a strong chance that the agency might steal your data and claim it as their own. Because you’re in a different country, visiting their office isn’t an easy task. 

  • Limited Revisions 

Another con of outsourcing your app development project to an agency is that it will take time to understand your company’s goals and vision. You cannot expect them to start giving you tangible results from Day 1. Furthermore, if you want to make multiple changes in the app UI or performance, revisions will be charged extra. 

When is the “Ideal” Time to Consider the Outsourcing App Development Approach?

If you want to hire someone with exceptional expertise in app development or reduce your team’s workload, then outsourcing could be an ideal choice. 

Final Verdict 

So, there you have it! Choosing between in-house vs. outsourcing for your mobile app development boils down to your business needs. Remember that app development demands expertise and knowledge, analyze your needs, and then make the right choice.

Planning for a partner to develop a scalable mobile app? If so, your search ends here! 

EitBiz is a leading Android, iOS, web, and Flutter app development company that efficiently leverages the right expertise, experience, and tech stack to build solid mobile apps for all devices and platforms. Our React native app development services are globally recognized, and a team of dedicated designers and developers work in tandem to build apps that not just attract but drive significant conversion in the long run. 

Contact EitBiz Solutions or drop us an email at or call us at +1 (812) 530- 6300 to discuss your dream app development project today!

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